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Please Complete the Form Below

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Name (First & Last)*


Email Address*

How did you find out about Yellow Lemon Party Hire

Date of Event

Purpose of Event:

Please provide us with the precise details of the Package or Individual Item/s you wish to book, along with any additional items you would like to include:

Message - Please provide any other useful information or booking requests for your event below: *

Please note, you must be over 18 to make a booking (or get a parent or guardians consent)

Please find the Terms & Conditions of booking here

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Please note that responses are usually within 48 - 72 hours after submitting your form


Emails are not monitored over the weekends, and will be responded to during business hours


You must be over 18 to make a booking (or get a parent or guardian's consent)


By submitting this booking form, you have acknowledge that you have read and understood the Terms & Conditions of Hire

 Email:                   Instagram: @yellowlemonpartyhire      

Located in Hillary's, Perth, Western Australia

© Copyright 2020-2025     Yellow Lemon Party Hire. All rights Reserved

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